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Cutwrights Fire Alarm

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Cutwrights Fire Alarm

Cutwrights uses the latest in automated machinery to provide the ultimate cutting, edging, and drilling service, across a huge range of boards and finishes. The company is moving from London to Fleets Corner, Poole.  


The Brief

The premises is a 30 metre by 35-metre brand-new unit, set out in two areas: an open planned production area with high ceilings and enclosed offices upstairs. It only had automatic detection in the office area and the warehouse had the bare minimum manual call points (MCP) and sounders. This project was to bring the fire alarm system up to standards and be fit for purpose for the company’s use of space.  

Our Solution

The existing fire panel was perfectly adequate as it had the capacity for the required additions for this refurbishment. There was no rewiring needed, however additional cabling was required. The fire alarm was extended to incorporate extra sounders, which included visual detection due to the loud machinery in the production area.  A number of detectors were added in the warehouse as well as under the mezzanine. Additional MCPs’ were placed at ‘Exits’ where required for the escape routes.  Installation of an optical beam detector was completed to ensure that legislations were met, as the ceiling was past the maximum height for standard smoke detectors.  It works by the beam detector shooting a beam of light to a reflector at the opposite side of the unit. This then reflects the light back onto the detector which proceeds to monitor this beam of light. When a fire starts the smoke will rise and eventually obscure enough of this beam of light that it sets off the detector and fire alarm.  

As a BAFE-registered company, our client had acted with due diligence and completed their duty of care by sourcing us as a component provider to make the changes. 

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