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COVID 19 Update Lockdown 05.11.2020

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Posted on November 5, 2020

COVID 19 Update Lockdown 05.11.2020

As we rise this morning the nation is in Lockdown again, but what does it mean for GF Electrical, our employees and clients.

We are in ‘Construction’ and therefore as per the Prime Ministers announcement we will be continuing with our contracts as normal.  As per guidance, trades are still allowed to operate as normal in people’s homes too.  Obviously the consent of the homeowner/occupant is essential and we must continue to following guidance on COVID-19 measure which still are the same to reduce and contain the spread:

Space – Hygiene – Face coverings

  • Please be assured our engineers complete daily forms to confirm they are well to the best of their knowledge.
  • In return we ask our clients to also confirm that they too, to the best of their knowledge are also well.
  • Hygiene is paramount, when no access to washing facilities, they will use hand sanitizer regularly, before and after entering a property, and at regular intervals whilst on site.
  • Tools and work area will be to the best of our capabilities, be wiped down.
  • Maintain space of 2m as per government guidance.
  • We ask clients to leave doors open for us and that they open a window to allow ventilation.
  • We will wear face coverings for the comfort of our domestic clients. This includes communal areas when attending blocks of flats for maintenance. (It is not a requirement to wear a face covering if social distance can be maintained under government guidance for our line of work however we add this to our measures for everyone’s care)
  • We will in addition follow the guidance/site rules of commercial clients too.

The office staff are available to answer any enquires you may have and if you would like us to attend please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have access to Teams, Google Meet, Whats App, etc we can arrange a virtual face to face meetings and give quotes for work you are looking to have done in the future.

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