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Tips for Electrical Safety during COVID-19 isolation

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Posted on April 4, 2020

Tips for Electrical Safety during COVID-19 isolation

Tips for Electrical Safety during COVID-19 isolation
It’s unprecedented times. Significant changes have been made and yet we are unsure when ‘normality’ will return or how long the ‘new norm’ may continue. With us all being encouraged to Stay Home, families homeschooling, the vulnerable self-isolating and businesses that can, to allow home working, we should make sure our ‘safe bubble’ remains so but not just from the threat of COVID-19.

Here are a few electrical safety tips to help:

Charge Your Devices Safely

Even we at GF Electrical have a small team set up to work from home so we can continue with essential work for key clients. We are keeping in contact and taking calls through our laptops and mobiles. Most households, whether it’s to carry on work, trying to keep ourselves entertained or keeping communications flowing with the outside world, with us all at home at the same time, with additional devices, there’s going to be a lot of charging going on.

  • Always charge your devices on a hard, flat surface. Never leave them on a bed, sofa or other flammable surfaces as they can overheat and cause a fire that could take hold very quickly. With many teenagers hiding away in their rooms they are most likely to fall foul to this advice, try to look at safe charging spaces all around the home.
  • Use the right charger for the right product – that is one provided by the manufacturer. Don’t be tempted to pick up a cheap spare online. They may not be compatible and often contain substandard or counterfeit parts.
  • Do not overload sockets. If you’re plugging more devices in than usual, use Electrical Safety First socket calculator to make sure that you’re not putting yourself at risk. And do not “daisy chain” adaptors (that means plugging one into another) – if you can’t reach the socket, move your workstation closer!

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Shop Safely
We are stuck at home for the foreseeable future, and no doubt with all this uncertainty, watching our pennies. The temptation to pick up an electrical bargain online to help pass the time will be very strong but check who you are buying from. There are a lot of third-party sellers on marketplaces like Amazon and eBay and unfortunately a lot of them are selling counterfeit and substandard products.

Fake electrical product could be deadly. Find out more about safe shopping online and also download Electrical Safety Firsts Chrome plug-in that will let you know when you are browsing a third party seller on Amazon and eBay.

Tips whilst spending more time at home from Penny Walshe

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