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Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting is required in all commercial properties, large or small, to ensure the safe and efficient evacuation of everybody in the building; members of staff, customers, tenants, visitors, etc.

Emergency lighting

The intention is in their title; in the event of the loss of power, or when normal lighting fails, the emergency routes and exits are illuminated by emergency light fittings that will provide automatically, sufficient illumination according to the different areas of a premises and fully lit evacuation paths to easily navigate and lead everyone to safety.

Design & Install

GF Electrical Ltd consult, design, install and maintain emergency lighting systems for your business or building. We fully understand the legal requirements and relevant safeguards necessary for businesses, helping you to follow your statutory requirements, as part of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, and ensure your emergency lighting complies with the BS 5266-1.

Emergency Lighting Compliance