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Posted on June 18, 2024

Summer Do 2024

Day to Remember: Team Enjoys the Goodwood Races

Last Friday, the entire team, including both our office staff and engineers, gathered at the iconic Goodwood Racecourse for a day filled with excitement, bonding, and unforgettable experiences. It was a perfect opportunity for everyone to step away from their daily routines and enjoy some quality time together.

A Unified Team

One of the standout benefits of this event was the chance for our office staff and for all engineers, who don’t often see each other, to connect in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. In our fast-paced industry, it’s rare for everyone to come together, but events like this play a crucial role in strengthening team cohesion and fostering better communication.

Highlights of the Day

The highlight was being able to see all the races from either down by the track or in the stands above! The entire team was on the edge of their seats, cheering and celebrating together. Some of the team were even lucky enough to win!

The day provided a fantastic opportunity for team members to interact outside the usual work environment. Conversations flowed easily, and the shared experience brought everyone closer.

The stylish atmosphere at Goodwood added an extra layer of enjoyment. Our team members donned their best summer outfits, contributing to the vibrant and festive mood of the day.

Goodwood offered a range of activities that everyone could enjoy, from funfair rides to picnicking on the lush lawns. It truly catered to all ages and interests.

Looking Ahead

This memorable day at Goodwood Racecourse is a testament to the importance of team-building events. By providing opportunities for our team to connect and enjoy themselves, we’re investing in a more unified and motivated workforce.

We extend our gratitude to Goodwood for hosting such a fantastic event and to all our team members for making it an unforgettable experience. Here’s to more successful team outings and continued growth together!



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