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Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) – Burns Hamiliton

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Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) – Burns Hamiliton

Burns Hamilton Ltd one of the leading Property Management companies in Hampshire and Dorset. They have been a client of ours for over 15 years. We carry out maintenance for a good 80% of their properties.  

The Brief

Coast is a large luxury apartment block based in the centre of Bournemouth with beautiful view of the sea. It is a site we have maintained since 2017. It has 2 blocks, East & West with a total of approximately 90 flats with an underground car park.   They had requirements that needed to be met: 

  • Inspections on a regular basis of Fire Alarm system, Emergency Lighting and their AOV system.  
  • Certification of the inspections to show compliance with regulations BS5839 and BS5266.   

Our Solution

We offered a Pre-Planned Maintenance with 12-month contracts, where we monitor when their inspections are due and supply all the relevant certificates and reports. Three different options were provided, Basic, Premium and Total Care. Coast continue yearly to be on ‘Total Care’ which provides a monthly visit for EML and FA, as well as visual checks on AOV in between the 6-month checks.   This allows our client Burns Hamilton peace of mind; the property has fully met electrical/fire emergency procedures and obligations, all in place with one contractor.

As a company registered with BAFE, NICEIC and SafeContractor, our client can be assured that we can prove our competency to deliver quality, professional, accurate advice. Working to the most up to date relevant standards and best working practice.  On a maintenance visit we: 

  • Make sure that Emergency lighting is sufficiently bright and stays illuminated long enough so occupants safely see their way out of a building in an emergency.  
  • That devices connected to the fire safety systems, such as manual call points or smoke detectors are tested to confirm they will actuate the alarm control panel around the building. 
  • Smoke detectors, as their effectiveness can deteriorate with age and dust, are cleaned, and examined that they are within date.  
  • To ensure the safety systems in place operate in the event of loss of power, the control panels battery require the ‘stored capacity’ is sufficient and replaced if not. 
  • AOV systems are checked by ensuring batteries are working in the event of loss of power and the operation of the vents by ensuring that they work when fire conditions arise. At Coast there are AOV windows on escape routes and on ceilings near stairwells as well as internal corridor AOV fire doors. 

All maintenance visits are recorded in the site Logbook, certificates and reports are issued in pdf format.  With our extensive experience in all safety systems, we combine all three into the same visit, meaning less disruption and paperwork.  The other benefit when attending site on PPM; we will fully check around the entire site to ensure any further electrical needs are covered. Ie changing specialist bulbs or batteries, altering the trade timers, etc. This saves on attendance fees; clients only pay for the time we are there plus any materials.  

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