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8 Ways To Reduce Energy Bills

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Posted on November 11, 2022

8 Ways To Reduce Energy Bills

Currently with the extortionate energy prices rising, finding ways to reduce our energy bills and save money is vital for all businesses. 


PIR sensors in offices can help reduce the wastage of energy by lights being on in areas when no one is around. Fitting PIR sensors in offices can save energy, any movement in a room the lights switch themselves on! This works brilliantly in staff break rooms or hallways! 

The advantages of PIR sensors for businesses are that it detects movement indoors during the day as well as at night. It allows significant savings of anything between 40%-50% on energy bills. Pay only for the lighting when your employees or customers need them!  

PIR sensors allow employers to not worry if all the lighting has been turned off at the end of the day. They work around your whole building, but many will see the benefit of changing in any of these areas:  main office, private offices, hallways, welfare facilities, and conference rooms.  


If you haven’t already, upgrade your lighting to LED bulbs which consume less power, so will cost you less! There are many benefits to using LED lighting, but they offer a 90% saving over incandescent bulbs and last 20 times longer.  

They provide full light at once rather than taking time to ‘warm up’. Over the years there have been significant development in LEDs and there are a vast range of designs available. Due to the bulbs using less energy, they are more eco-friendly, lowering your CO2 emissions! 

Illuminating outside your business premises at night is shown to deter any potential intruders! If you have security cameras, they will be more effective if the lighting is good so upgrading to LED will improve this. It helps to ensure your employees feel safe traveling to and from work when it is dark as well as customers. If good exterior lighting is installed, the risk of tripping or falling is significantly reduced.  

Therefore, the installation of LED bulbs isn’t just a way to save money on your energy bills, it also helps in the day-to-day duty of care and protection of your business. Again, PIR sensors to detect movement or dawn to dusk… only use the power when you need it. 


Another way to reduce your energy bills is by checking your thermostats. If the air con is switched on, make sure that you turn it off 30 minutes before leaving for the night, as this can save your business money! Also, by turning down your thermostat by 1 degree it can reduce your energy consumption by 8%! Having your heating turned off during hours that your premises are unoccupied will obviously help too. 

Installation of Solar…

A further possibility is solar. If you have the roof space, it might be worth looking into installing solar panels. You can power your own premises off the energy you are creating. There are many benefits to solar energy for businesses from saving money through lower energy costs, reduces your businesses carbon footprint, as well as being able to rely less on the grid.  

If solar is an option, or you’ve already got it installed; maybe you want to think about the installation of solar batteries? Alongside solar you can install batteries that you can charge with solar power. Think about those sunny weekends, all that generated solar power going back into the grid is making you feel good about the environment but at the moment saving money is a necessity.  

Storing excess solar power energy created within the batteries, allows you use to use the power when you need it. As most buildings are unlikely to use all the energy generated throughout the day, it allows businesses to use the energy to help power devices at night or when the sun isn’t shining or even during power cuts! These batteries are estimated to reduce energy bills by 35%! 

Anything in excess that you can’t store or use, sell the solar electricity back to the grid! If your electricity supplier doesn’t do it there are others that do, and you do not need to switch to benefit from feed-in tariffs. 

EV Chargers & Energy Brokers…

Consider installation of EV Charging Points at your premises. There are deals around where you can generate significant income to offset your own costs. There is a system called P2P where people can share their private EV charge points publicly for time periods when they are not personally using it. For example, out of your business hours.   

It can help attract customers to your business and helps to generate money. If the business is a retail store, this can increase the amount of time and money customers spend in the shop while they wait for the vehicles to charge.  

And finally, go to an energy broker to find if you can get a new and competitive deal! Even if your contract is not due for renewal, it might be worth looking to see if you can get a cheaper option.  


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