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Posted on October 10, 2022

Fire Prevention Week

This week is Fire Prevention Week, where people learn how to prevent the dangers of a fire and how to be prepared in case of one.

Fire alarms and emergency lighting are essential part of any commercial or industrial building. At GF Electrical we provide a comprehensive fire safety service including design, install, commission and maintenance.

With our Managing Directors’ history in the Fire Service, fire prevention is an area we are really passionate about. With nearly 30 years of experience in this field, we understand the need for the correct systems to be in place. Gary Fisher has seen the destruction first-hand that inadequate safety systems can have.

The Regulatory Reform Order (2005) places a duty on the owner (residential or commercial), or employer of a business or industrial premise to carry out fire risk assessment and implement appropriate fire safety measures.

With specialist engineers on our team, fully trained with a wealth of knowledge, they ensure your fire alarm requirements are managed in accordance with all the current fire safety regulations BS5839. Using a competent with our abilities will ensure you fulfil all your legal obligations and relevant safeguards necessary for businesses.


BAFE Registered

We are a BAFE-registered company, since 2017. Having an accredited company like us for fire protection services is strongly recommended by Government.

If you have any concerns over your Fire Alarm Systems, do not hesitate to contact us. We design, install, commission and carry out pre-planned maintenance. Follow this link to see our case study for one of our Pre-Planned Maintenance contracts. 


Do you get fire alarm faults?

As we know, having fire alarm faults can be very frustrating as it is crucial to ensure that your fire alarm system is working correctly.

At GF Electrical we offer Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) Contracts to our clients. These 12-month contracts, are to test and certify your safety systems, including emergency lighting, fire alarms and AOV.  We even take the hassle away from you by monitoring and scheduling when your inspections are due. We offer three different options: Basic, Premium and Total Care. You select which plan suits your needs best.

Without regular checks of your system, you are not fulfilling your obligations and complying with current regulations.  Maintaining records is essential and a service plan in place with evidence of a safe, working as intended and that it is fit for purpose, is key! All certificates and paperwork are supplied as pdfs.

We will be more than happy to visit your site and discuss this further.


Why have two different contractors when you can have one to tick all boxes and your businesses safe from threats?

At GF Electrical Ltd we look after your whole safety system by testing and checking your emergency lights, fire alarm systems, smoke detectors, and AOV.

That’s the benefit of an electrical contractor that specialises in fire safety too. We can guide you through The Regulatory Reform Order (2005), to make sure your emergency lighting complies with current regulations. Whilst also ensuring your fire systems are operating as intended and are fit for purpose.

It’s a simple and cost-effectively way to go forward.

Focus on running your business, secure in the knowledge that your electrical & fire emergency procedures and obligations are all in place with one contractor. An electrical contractor compliant and accredited by NICEIC, BAFE and SafeContractor.

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