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Posted on November 6, 2023

Don’t Let Darkness Hold You Back!

As the clocks have gone back, it is the perfect time for businesses to start thinking about outdoor lighting solutions.

Why should you invest in outdoor lighting?
  • Safety: Well-lit exteriors provide a safe environment for customers and employees.
  • Extended Hours: Make the most of the darker evenings and attract evening customers.
  • Energy Efficiency: Opt for energy-efficient LED lighting to reduce operational costs.
  • Branding: Showcase your business with stylish and eye-catching lighting designs.

At GF Electrical, we specialize in creating custom outdoor lighting solutions tailored to your business needs. From aesthetic lighting to security lighting, we’ve got you covered.

There are many lighting choices that can be made to assist with the darker mornings and evenings, good quality lighting can make a good impression on arrival, assist with security, and help prevent Health and Safety issues. 

We have many satisfied clients who have instructed GF Electrical to assist with their lighting requirements:  

The lights in Parkstone Yacht Club’s car park were in a poor state of repair and required replacement with modern LED lights, of better performance. Head to the Case Studies page to find out how we completed this project!

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a brighter and safer business environment.

Let’s make this winter season a bright and successful one together!

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