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Life as an apprentice in GF Electrical

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Posted on May 12, 2020

Life as an apprentice in GF Electrical

Jamie O’Shea started his apprenticeship with us in 2013 at just 16 years of age.  Jamie may not have been the best school student. He admits that he had to consider other ways of continuing his education and finding a career, as returning to do A Levels was not an option for him.

“If I’m honest I just fell into electrics and an apprenticeship, but oh my god it was a blessing in disguise and I haven’t looked back. To learn a trade and get paid to do so, well it’s a win, win situation, but the main thing is who you work with and everyone’s a laugh…. GF Electricals’ got a very good bunch of fine men!”

“I’ve had so many memorable moments over the last 4 years;

One that sticks in my mind and I don’t think will ever leave, is “dog poo ladders” …. stepping in the smelliest dog do and stepping it up every rung on the ladder, ended up with it all over my hands and uniform, it was everywhere. Another is doing exactly what the job title said to do “chase double box into wall” so I did! Not considering that I had to also put the cable in too … I thought I’d go for the wireless type!”

“Pranks? One of our clients tried … ‘go ask for a long weight’ so I took the opportunity and went for a tea break in the van!”

After completing his AM2 and becoming qualified, Jamie stayed on until he decided to spread his wings and start out on his own.  Jamie was a valued member of our team from the moment he started, and it was a pleasure watching him grow and develop with GF Electrical Ltd.

Our new apprentice has some big shoes to fill!


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