Here is a reminder of our Opening Hours over the Christmas Break as well as a few hints and tips!
Our office will be closed for the Christmas period from 16:00 on the 22nd December. Any emails to the office will not be acknowledged until the office opens in the New Year on the 2nd of January 2024. Please note: Our engineers will be covering callouts on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of December 09:00 – 15:00. Call 01202 259884 on those dates. Leave a message and our engineer on cover will call you back.
Hints & Tips
It is important to ensure you are not overloading your sockets as this can cause electrical fires. Ensure that there is only one heat-producing appliance plugged into a multi-way socket at a time.
If you experience a loss of power, please call 105 before us to ensure there isn’t a local power outage in your area.
Nuisance tripping can happen at any time, especially during Christmas as we tend to have lights and decorations up, charging new electrical items, etc. If there is no local power cut and you have tripping occurred, follow these simple steps:
- If an MCB/RCBO trips, attempt to re-switch the MCB/RCBO on.
- If it trips again, unplug all pieces of equipment connected to the relevant circuit.
- Turn on the MCB/RCBO and then plug in each piece of equipment on that circuit one by one. It will trip again when the faulty piece of equipment is reconnected.
- Unplug this faulty piece of equipment and then switch the MCB/RCBO back on.
- If it cannot be switched on after unplugging all equipment, then call us.
We also have a video you can watch that will explain what to do when nuisance tripping occurs.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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