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Posted on June 24, 2021


We are currently in the middle of the largest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford’s first production line started in 1913.  Electric vehicles (EV) are likely to take over quicker than we originally thought. Due to many governments around the world setting targets to ban the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles, its given momentum and force to the process. 


Pass the tipping point already?

Numerous industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles will very rapidly overcome petrol and diesel cars. Elon Musk stated that there has been a huge shift in the way people perceiving EV and the demand is the best it has been yet! 

 Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo from 2030 and last week the British sportscar company Lotus said it would follow suit, selling only electric models from 2028. However, it is not just the premium brands that think this. General Motors says it will make only electric vehicles by 2035, Ford says all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2030 and VW says 70% of its sales will be electric by 2030. 


Change in EV

We have seen huge improvements in EV motors, from the computers that control them to the charging systems and car design. Yet, the change in the performance of EV is down to the improvements on the vehicle’s batteries.  

The most noticeable change is in the prices. Just over a decade ago it cost £709.95 per kilowatt hour of battery power, but now it is around £71. Not only is the price becoming more cost-effective, but they are also now lasting longer too. 

There is still work to be done before electric vehicles take over! Most importantly, everyone needs to be able charge their cars easily and cheaply even those that do not have a driveway at home. That will take work and investment, but with all the sales happening now, it needs to materialise soon. 


80% of EV owners charge at home.

One of the problems facing one third of UK homeowners, it that they do not have a driveway or garage to charge their EV or PHEV. For example, only 1 in 6 rural homes have off road parking, that figure rises to 60% in some major towns and cities.  

So how can we overcome the issues that are faced with the future charging of EV vehicles for the masses?  Let’s face it there are already ques at petrol stations, and we only take 10 mins max to refuel! 

There are not enough EV charging points on the roads for the increasing number of EV vehicles that are being sold. Especially if you are travelling long distance. For example, you may be able to drive somewhere that is only 3 hours away, but consider if you get stuck in traffic or if you drive in the dark, turning your lights on reduces the mileage along with wipers, heating, etc. So, where is the nearest charger?  


There needs to be an expansion…could your business provide a solution?

 Businesses can play their part in providing EV charge points on their premises.  

  1. The pressure from the Government on businesses is becoming more intense over the next decade to make more environmentally sound choices about the vehicles they provide for staff. Currently an electric company car is 1% tax for Benefit in Kind, which will have your staff begging to switch on their next car option.   
  2. Even for those enterprises where transport is the employee’s personal choice, there could be tax and financial advantages to influencing a greener vehicle choice.  
  3. There is an increasing responsibility to provide EV charging points for use by clients and visitors. They could be enjoying your hospitality for longer, spending more. Or if you have a business that has easy access, you could attract EV owners looking to charge out of hours. Those looking for more convenient locations to charge their cars, could even turn into customers! 


Government Incentives

There are a few government incentives that are in place for both businesses and homeowners to help increase the amount of EV vehicles bought.  

There is The Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme, which provides grant funding of £350 towards the cost of installing electric vehicle charging points at domestic properties across the UK.  

The pressure from the Government on businesses is becoming more intense over the next decade to make more environmentally sound choices about the vehicles they provide for staff. Currently an electric company car is 1% tax for Benefit in Kind, which will have your staff begging to switch on their next car option. 

 The incentive for businesses is the Workplace Charging Scheme. This is a voucher-based scheme that provides support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging points, for eligible businesses, charities, and public sector organisations. 

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