Last week was ‘Mental Health Awareness Week 2021’ and the theme for this year was ‘Nature’. We decided to raise awareness by seeing how many hours we spent outside doing physical activity after work and at the weekend! Types of activity ranged from going for a run, walk, swim, golf, paddle boarding etc!
Why are we raising awareness for Mental Health Awareness Week?
We chose to raise awareness in this way because it is great to get outside, to be around nature and exercise. All proven to improve mental health. The aim of this was to support not only charities but our team’s mental wellbeing and hopefully have some fun along the way!
We donated £1 for every hour spent outside and split it 50/50 to Dorset Mind Charity and the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC). As a team, we managed to spend a total of 131.25 hours outside! Therefore, meaning we raised a total of £131.25!
What is the Electrical Industries Charity?
The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) has been around for over 100 years and predominately help those working in the electrical, electronics and energy industries when they or their family need it! Help is available to everyone regardless of age or circumstances that people can encounter during their life.
Help is free and confidential, available 7 days a week. In 1 in 3 of the cases, EIC support involves mental health. Every year the charity awards thousands of counselling and therapy grants. As we know, mental health is an ongoing challenge. 1 in 4 people will now suffer from mental health issues within their life.
All the things they are doing to support our industry and the well-being of the electrical sector is amazing. From this moment on, we have a point of contact and can act when it will make a difference. We are looking into training; help our staff understand and manage their wellbeing by getting involved too.
Dorset Mind
Dorset Mind is a local charity that supports people within Dorset with mental health challenges since 1946. They educate, challenge mental health stigma and inequality, and promote recovery by empowering individuals to develop resilience. The support that they offer is through 1-2-1 meetings and group services. The services are used to help people regain social skills, confidence, and self-esteem.
It was great to be able to raise money and awareness for these amazing charities and to complete this as a team. At GF Electrical Ltd, it is important to us to ensure that our staff have the support if needed.
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