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Looking Back Over 2020

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Posted on December 23, 2020

Looking Back Over 2020

GF Electrical Ltd started the year 2020 with a list of positive goals for the growth of the company; recruit more engineers and a new apprentice, get a new website up and running, and address our office space. With an increase in staff and mangers over the last few years it was getting a little tight!  

The breaks were slammed on when the whole world was affected by COVID 19 and like everyone, when the UK went into Lockdown in March, it was an anxious time, no more thoughts of how to grow the company but how to survive and keep our workforce in jobs.  

As Key Workers, during Lockdown we continued with essential work with a minimal number of staff, including work on fire safety equipment in blocks of flats. 

Our client Bristol Maid, who manufactures and supplies hospital equipment had an urgent project for new Robot’ specialist machinery to increase their production, to help cope with the demand put on the NHS  

‘New Normal’

Guidance’s were put into the construction industry quickly. Although we closed our sites down at first, after a couple of weeks, they were started back up again without too many issues.  The company and staff soon fell into a new normal, with COVID measures put in place for both staff and clients’ welfare.   

Gary started to relook again at GF Electricals plans, this wasn’t the time to relax but to stay positive and continue moving forward. The office space was still an issue.  Questions as to whether moving to a larger unit, or whether maximizing the space in the existing unit would achieve what we needed. 

Office Revamp!

Grabbing thbull by the horns, Gary decided that lockdown was the ideal time to revamp the office, the office staff were working from home already, so there was no need to move to a temporary space. The office was completed ready for when government guidance was given for people to return back to work.  Because of the revamp, the space was available to allow us to do so safely and everyone has loved the changes. 

The new website was finally ready to launch in August.  It is now more informative, with a platform to show case our work with Case Studies, News and a recruitment section.  Customers can also get in contact via the live chatso far this has proved popular.  

Took on Another Apprentice

It was heart breaking back in April/May, turning away youngsters who were trying to grab on to a new future after their exams were cancelled.  But as things started to go back to normalthere was an opportunity again to look at staff numbers and so we ran a campaign to takon another apprentice.   

It was such a hard process this time with over 40 application forms submitted.  It was narrowed down to four in particular who impressed us but, in the end, even though we only had one post available, the decision was made to take on two new apprentices who started in October. 

The government announced in September that they were going to be starting a Kickstart Scheme for businesses and the unemployed under 25. After exploring this the company has put a bid in and we look forward to the job starting next year! 

Boosting Morale

The company finished off the year with a Christmas Do at South Coast Karting who had all measures in place to supply a safe outdoors environment meeting all COVID regulations for a works event.  As team is particularly important at GF Electrical, making sure that morale for our hardworking bunch was boosted remained crucial for us.  

It has been a tough year (what an understatement) but we thank everyone of our managers and staff who all put in 100% to look after our clients and put themselves out there to ensure they kept our level of service with all the added H&S and Government guidance to keep themselves and customers safe. 

We do not take it for granted that our industry was not affected in the same way as so many businesses and to those, we wish them all the best. 

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