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Welcome To Our New Apprentices – Henry & Lawrence

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Posted on July 20, 2023

Welcome To Our New Apprentices – Henry & Lawrence

We have run another successful recruitment campaign for an apprentice this year. We were astounded by the number of applicants for our 2023 position. Even when we closed the date, there were still more CVs being sent through, begging to be considered. 

We had in excess of 40 application forms submitted and they were hard to narrow down for our 6 interview spots, for the one placement. Although we are pleased to say that we had some great candidates, that were so impressive, we gave two placements this year. 

It was amazing to see so many had put in a lot of effort and taken the time to complete our forms. Obviously, there were some that hadn’t, and they were the first to be dismissed. It is always a shame when you see a good CV but the form has been dismissed. As well as when the applicant has put in basic, short-sentenced answers or copied and pasted areas of their CV. 

Our process is in-depth in comparison to some in the industry. We really are dedicated to finding the right individuals for the company. It is often dismissed that to do an apprenticeship in the electrical trade, is actually four years, longer than most university degrees! It is a big commitment and investment for a company. This is why we take the responsibility seriously and dedicate the time. 

We don’t always get every element right when we select our newbies. However, we are very proud of all our apprentices that we have developed over the years. It can take time and dedication on both sides to bring all their qualities to the surface! 

Welcome to GF Electrical!

So, we would like to welcome Henry and Lawrence to the team. Henry will be entering his 3rd year at Wiltshire College and Lawrence will be starting 1st year at Eastleigh College 

We are very excited to watch them develop and see them get stuck in with the team! 

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