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Posted on July 11, 2023

Revamping Van

Back in 2021, we had brand new vans on order for over a year. We had to go with what was in stock. However, there was not going to be the same choice regarding the colour.  We overcame this challenge by choosing a Vauxhall white van.

When looking at our options with vans we decided to look at revamping one of our older vans. This is generally more cost-effective than purchasing a brand-new one. The upfront cost of buying a new van can be significant while revamping an old van allows you to make incremental improvements over time, spreading out the expenses.

By doing this, you contribute to sustainable practices. Extending the lifespan of a vehicle reduces waste and the need for new resources that would be required to manufacture a new van. It’s an eco-friendly option that aligns with the principles of environmental responsibility.

Buying a new van often involves a waiting period for delivery and configuration. Revamping an existing van minimises downtime.

If the existing van features your company’s branding, revamping it allows you to maintain brand consistency. Repainting, updating decals, or adding new graphics can refresh the vehicle’s appearance while preserving brand identity.

One of our older Caddy’s was starting to look tired but mechanically was in excellent condition. We got a full respray carried out by our local body shop, Pit-Stop Paintworx.

This has been a great project and the results speak for themselves.


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