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Posted on January 15, 2024

Big Energy Saving Week 2024

This week is Big Energy Saving Week! We are very passionate about maximizing energy efficiency, especially straight after Christmas. It is important to not only try to reduce our carbon footprint but also to cut down on energy bills. Here are a few tips you could use for your business: 

Upgrade to LED Lighting 

LED lights use semiconductor technology, converting electricity directly into light. This not only reduces energy consumption by up to 80% compared to traditional bulbs but also ensures a longer lifespan, cutting down on replacement costs!   

We have done various LED lighting upgrade including ones for Parktone Yacht Club & EXPRO.  


Smart Thermostats 

Smart thermostats go beyond programming, they learn about your habits, adjusting temperatures for optimal comfort. Some models even consider external factors such as weather forecasts, ensuring your system operates at peak efficiency while minimising energy waste.  

This can be particularly helpful in workplaces, as the last person to leave may forget to switch off these systems.  


Seal Gaps & Leaks 

You should conduct a thorough audit of your property and identify and seal any gaps. Consider upgrading insulation materials, modern options offer superior thermal resistance for maximum efficiency.  

Motion Sensors and Timers 

Its time to get strategic with our lighting! Motion sensors in less frequented areas guarantee lights are only on when necessary. Why have a downstairs loo or corridor illuminating whilst no one is using the area? Outdoors, timers add an extra layer of efficiency- no more accidentally leaving lights overnight as the last person to lock up may be in a hurry and leave them on!  

Read more here to learn more about the benefits of PIR sensors in the workplace.  


Regular Maintenance 

It is important to treat all electrical systems like the well-oiled machines they are. Inspect wiring for wear and tear, addressing any issues promptly to prevent energy loss and more importantly potential hazards. Proactive maintenance not only saves energy but also extends the lifespan of your electrical infrastructure. 


Small changes make a big impact! Join us in making a significant difference in energy consumption, one step at a time!  

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